
1- Download and install miniconda from:

2- Update conda in a terminal window or anaconda prompt:

conda update conda

3- Create a new environment for swolfpy:

conda create --name swolfpy python=3.9 graphviz

4- Add Graphviz executables to your system PATH (This step is optional; Enables plotting SWM network). You can find Graphviz executables in \\miniconda3\\envs\\swolfpy\\Library\\bin\\graphviz folder or search for dot.exe file in your system. Add the directory to the Path variable in your environment variables.

5- Activate the environment:

conda activate swolfpy

6- Install swolfpy in the environment:

pip install swolfpy

7- Open python to run swolfpy:


8- Run swolfpy

  • In terminal:

    # or
    python -m swolfpy
  • In python:

    import swolfpy as sp