Source code for swolfpy.LCA_matrix

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from brightway2 import LCA, get_activity

[docs] class LCA_matrix(LCA): """ This class translate the ``row`` and ``col`` of the ``tech_param`` and ``bio_param`` to the activity `key` in the Brightway2 database. Both the ``tech_param`` and ``bio_param`` has the ``dtype=[('input', '<u4'), ('output', '<u4'), ('row', '<u4'), ('col', '<u4'), ('type', 'u1'), ('uncertainty_type', 'u1'), ('amount', '<f4'), ('loc', '<f4'), ('scale', '<f4'), ('shape', '<f4'), ('minimum', '<f4'), ('maximum', '<f4'), ('negative', '?')])`` data type. ``self.tech_matrix`` is a dictionary that includes all the technosphere and waste exchanges as tuple ``(product,Feed)`` key and amount as value: ``{(('LF', 'Aerobic_Residual'), ('SF1_product', 'Aerobic_Residual_MRDO')):0.828}`` ``self.bio_matrix`` is a dictionary that includes all the biosphere exchanges as tuple ``(product,Feed)`` `key` and amount as `value` ``{(('biosphere3', '0015ec22-72cb-4af1-8c7b-0ba0d041553c'), ('Technosphere', 'Boiler_Diesel')):6.12e-15}`` So we can update the ``tech_params`` and ``bio_params`` by tuple keys that are consistent with the keys in the ````. Check :ref:`Process models class <ProcessModel>` for more info. """ def __init__(self, functional_unit, method): super().__init__(functional_unit, method[0]) self.lci() self.lcia() self.functional_unit = functional_unit self.method = method self._base_method = method[0] self.activities_dict, _, self.biosphere_dict = self.reverse_dict() self.tech_matrix = {} for i in self.tech_params: self.tech_matrix[(self.activities_dict[i[2]], self.activities_dict[i[3]])] = i[6] self.bio_matrix = {} for i in self.bio_params: if ( self.biosphere_dict[i[2]], self.activities_dict[i[3]], ) not in self.bio_matrix.keys(): self.bio_matrix[(self.biosphere_dict[i[2]], self.activities_dict[i[3]])] = i[6] else: self.bio_matrix[ (str(self.biosphere_dict[i[2]]) + " - 1", self.activities_dict[i[3]]) ] = i[6] # print((str(biosphere_dict[i[2]]) + " - 1", activities_dict[i[3]]))
[docs] @staticmethod def update_techmatrix(process_name, report_dict, tech_matrix): """ Updates the `tech_matrix` according to the `report_dict`. `tech_matrix` is an instance of ``LCA_matrix.tech_matrix``. Useful for Monte Carlo simulation, and optimization. :param process_name: Name of the life-cycle process model. :type process_name: str :param report_dict: LCI report of the life-cycle process model (````). :type report_dict: dict :param tech_matrix: :type tech_matrix: ``LCA_matrix.tech_matrix`` """ for material, value in report_dict["Technosphere"].items(): for key2, value2 in value.items(): if not np.isnan(value2): if ((key2), (process_name, material)) in tech_matrix.keys(): if tech_matrix[((key2), (process_name, material))] != value2: tech_matrix[((key2), (process_name, material))] = value2 else: raise KeyError( "Exchange {} is calculated but not exist in LCA technosphere".format( ((key2), (process_name, material)) ) ) else: raise ValueError( "Amount for Exchange {} is Nan. The amount should be number, check the calculations in the process model".format( ((key2), (process_name, material)) ) ) for material, value in report_dict["Waste"].items(): for key2, value2 in value.items(): # Remove prefix from material name in the case of Transfer Station if report_dict["process name"][1] == "Transfer_Station": if "DryRes" == material[0:6] or "WetRes" == material[0:6]: material_ = material[7:] elif "ORG" == material[0:3] or "REC" == material[0:3]: material_ = material[4:] else: material_ = material key2 = (process_name + "_product", material_ + "_" + key2) if not np.isnan(value2): if ((key2), (process_name, material)) in tech_matrix.keys(): if tech_matrix[((key2), (process_name, material))] != value2: tech_matrix[((key2), (process_name, material))] = value2 else: raise KeyError( "Exchange {} is calculated but not exist in LCA technosphere".format( ((key2), (process_name, material)) ) ) else: raise ValueError( "Amount for Exchange {} is Nan. The amount should be number, check the calculations in the process model".format( ((key2), (process_name, material)) ) ) ### Adding activity for transport between the collection and treatment processes if "LCI" in report_dict.keys(): for y in report_dict["LCI"].keys(): for m in report_dict["LCI"][y].keys(): for n in report_dict["LCI"][y][m].keys(): if "biosphere3" not in n: if not np.isnan(report_dict["LCI"][y][m][n]): if ( n, (process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m), ) in tech_matrix.keys(): if ( tech_matrix[ ( n, ( process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m, ), ) ] != report_dict["LCI"][y][m][n] ): tech_matrix[ ( n, ( process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m, ), ) ] = report_dict["LCI"][y][m][n] else: raise KeyError( "Exchange {} is calculated but not exist in LCA technosphere".format( ( n, ( process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m, ), ) ) ) else: raise ValueError( """Amount for Exchange {} is Nan. The amount should be number, check the calculations in the process model""".format( ( n, ( process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m, ), ) ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def update_biomatrix(process_name, report_dict, bio_matrix): """ Updates the `bio_matrix` according to the report_dict. `bio_matrix` is an instance of ``LCA_matrix.bio_matrix``. Useful for Monte Carlo simulation, and optimization. :param process_name: Name of the life-cycle process model. :type process_name: str :param report_dict: LCI report of the life-cycle process model (````). :type report_dict: dict :param bio_matrix: :type bio_matrix: ``LCA_matrix.bio_matrix`` """ for material, value in report_dict["Biosphere"].items(): for key2, value2 in value.items(): if not np.isnan(value2): if bio_matrix[((key2), (process_name, material))] != value2: bio_matrix[((key2), (process_name, material))] = value2 else: raise ValueError( "Amount for Exchange {} is Nan. The amount should be number, check the calculations in the process model".format( ((key2), (process_name, material)) ) ) ### Adding activity for collection cost if "LCI" in report_dict.keys(): for y in report_dict["LCI"].keys(): for m in report_dict["LCI"][y].keys(): for n in report_dict["LCI"][y][m].keys(): if "biosphere3" in n: if not np.isnan(report_dict["LCI"][y][m][n]): if ( n, (process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m), ) in bio_matrix.keys(): if ( bio_matrix[ ( n, ( process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m, ), ) ] != report_dict["LCI"][y][m][n] ): bio_matrix[ ( n, ( process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m, ), ) ] = report_dict["LCI"][y][m][n] else: raise KeyError( "Exchange {} is calculated but not exist in LCA biosphere".format( ( n, ( process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m, ), ) ) ) else: raise ValueError( """Amount for Exchange {} is Nan. The amount should be number, check the calculations in the process model""".format( ( n, ( process_name + "_product", y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m, ), ) ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mass_flow(LCA, process): """ Calculates the total mass of flows to process based on the `supply_array` in ``bw2calc.lca.LCA``. :param LCA: LCA object. :type LCA: ``bw2calc.lca.LCA`` or ``swolfpy.LCA_matrix.LCA_matrix`` :param process: Name of the process databases. :type process: str :return: Total mass of flows to `process` :rtype: float """ mass = 0 for i in LCA.activity_dict: if process == i[0]: unit = get_activity(i).as_dict()["unit"].split(" ") if len(unit) > 1: mass += LCA.supply_array[LCA.activity_dict[i]] * float(unit[0]) else: mass += LCA.supply_array[LCA.activity_dict[i]] return mass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mass_flow_comp(LCA, process, index): """ Calculates the mass of flows to process based on the `index` and `supply_array` in ``bw2calc.lca.LCA``. :param LCA: LCA object. :type LCA: ``bw2calc.lca.LCA`` or ``swolfpy.LCA_matrix.LCA_matrix`` :param process: Name of the process databases. :type process: str :param index: Name of the process databases. :type index: str :return: Pandas series with mass flows as values and index as rows. :rtype: pandas.core.series.Series """ mass = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(index)), index=index) for i in LCA.activity_dict: if process == i[0]: for j in index: if j == i[1]: unit = get_activity(i).as_dict()["unit"].split(" ") if len(unit) > 1: mass[j] += LCA.supply_array[LCA.activity_dict[i]] * float(unit[0]) else: mass[j] += LCA.supply_array[LCA.activity_dict[i]] return mass