Source code for swolfpy.Optimization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from time import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pyDOE
from brightway2 import projects
from plotly.offline import plot
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from .LCA_matrix import LCA_matrix

[docs] class Optimization(LCA_matrix): """ :param functional_unit: :type functional_unit: dict :param method: :type method: list :param project: :type project: ``swolfpy.Project.Project`` """ def __init__(self, functional_unit, method, project): super().__init__(functional_unit, method) self.project = project self.Treatment_processes = deepcopy(self.project.Treatment_processes) self.Collection_processes = deepcopy(self.project.Collection_processes) self.N_param = len(self.project.parameters_list) self.n_scheme_vars = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def get_config(project): columns = [] schemes = {} for col in project.Collection_processes: columns.append(col) columns.append(col + " mode") schemes[col] = project.Collection_processes[col]["model"].col_schm index = [ ("RWC", "N/A", "N/A"), ("RWC", "N/A", "SSR"), ("RWC", "SSYW", "N/A"), ("RWC", "SSYW", "SSR"), ("RWC", "SSO", "N/A"), ("RWC", "SSO", "SSR"), ("RWC", "SSO_AnF", "N/A"), ("RWC", "SSO_AnF", "SSR"), ("REC_WetRes", "N/A", "REC_WetRes"), ("REC_WetRes", "SSYW", "REC_WetRes"), ("REC_WetRes", "SSO", "REC_WetRes"), ("REC_WetRes", "SSO_AnF", "REC_WetRes"), ("ORG_DryRes", "ORG_DryRes", "N/A"), ("ORG_DryRes", "ORG_DryRes", "SSR"), ] config_pd = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns) if len(config_pd.columns) > 0: for c in columns[1::2]: config_pd[c] = [ "Optimize", "Optimize", "Optimize", "Optimize", "Optimize", "Optimize", "Fix", "Fix", "Fix", "Fix", "Fix", "Fix", "Fix", "Fix", ] for col, sch in schemes.items(): for k, v in sch.items(): if k in index: config_pd[col][k] = v return config_pd.fillna(0.0)
[docs] def set_config(self, config): self.config = config self.scheme_vars_index = self.N_param self.scheme_vars_dict = {} self.x0_col = [] for c in self.config.columns[1::2]: for i in self.config.index: if self.config[c][i] == "Optimize": self.scheme_vars_dict[self.scheme_vars_index] = (c.split(" mode")[0], i) self.x0_col.append(self.config[c.split(" mode")[0]][i]) self.scheme_vars_index += 1 self.n_scheme_vars += 1 for process in self.config.columns[0::2]: for schm in self.config.index: if schm in self.Treatment_processes[process]["model"].col_schm: self.Treatment_processes[process]["model"].col_schm[schm] = self.config.loc[ [schm], process ].values[0]
[docs] def update_col_scheme(self, x): process_set = set() if self.n_scheme_vars: for k, v in self.scheme_vars_dict.items(): process = v[0] process_set.add(process) self.Treatment_processes[process]["model"].col_schm[v[1]] = x[k] for process in process_set: self.Treatment_processes[process]["model"]._normalize_scheme( DropOff=False, warn=False )
### Objective function
[docs] def _objective_function(self, x): """ Use the new parameters (Waste fractions) to update the ``tech_matrix`` (``tech_param``) and recalculate the LCA score. """ if self.oldx != list(x): # Calculations are done only when the function get new x. if self.oldx[0 : self.N_param] != list(x)[0 : self.N_param]: param_exchanges = self.project.parameters.Param_exchanges(x[0 : self.N_param]) for key, value in param_exchanges.items(): if key in self.tech_matrix: self.tech_matrix[key] = value if self.collection and self.oldx[self.N_param :] != list(x)[self.N_param :]: self.update_col_scheme(x) for col in self.Collection_processes: model = self.Treatment_processes[col]["model"] model.calc() report_dict = process_name = model.process_name LCA_matrix.update_techmatrix(process_name, report_dict, self.tech_matrix) LCA_matrix.update_biomatrix(process_name, report_dict, self.bio_matrix) tech = np.array(list(self.tech_matrix.values()), dtype=float) bio = np.array(list(self.bio_matrix.values()), dtype=float) self.rebuild_technosphere_matrix(tech) self.rebuild_biosphere_matrix(bio) self.lci_calculation() if self.lcia: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test self.lcia_calculation() self.oldx = list(x) return self.score / 10**self.magnitude
### Mass to process
[docs] def get_mass_flow_from_supply_array(self, key, KeyType, x): """ Calculate the mass to the process from the `supply_array` matrix. """ self._objective_function(x) mass_flow = 0 if KeyType == "WasteToProcess": for i in range(len(self.supply_array)): if key == self.activities_dict[i]: mass_flow += self.supply_array[i] elif KeyType == "Process": for i in range(len(self.supply_array)): if key == self.activities_dict[i][0]: mass_flow += self.supply_array[i] else: raise ValueError( """ KeyType for the get_mass_flow_from_supply_array function is not defined correct.""" ) return mass_flow
### Emission flow in LCI
[docs] def get_emission_amount(self, emission, x): """ Calculate the mass of the `emission` to biosphere from the `inventory`. """ self._objective_function(x) inventory = self.biosphere_matrix * self.supply_array emission_amount = 0 for i in range(len(inventory)): if emission == self.biosphere_dict[i]: emission_amount += inventory[i] return emission_amount
### Calculates impacts other than objective
[docs] def get_impact_amount(self, impact, x): """ Calculates impacts other than objective. """ self._objective_function(x) self.switch_method(impact) self.lcia() score = self.score self.switch_method(self._base_method) self.lcia() return score
[docs] def _create_equality(self, N_param_Ingroup): """ Check that the sum of parameters in each group should be one. """ local_index = self.Param_index f = lambda x: sum([x[i] for i in range(local_index, local_index + N_param_Ingroup)]) - 1 self.Param_index += N_param_Ingroup return f
[docs] def _create_inequality(self, key, limit, KeyType, ConstType): """ :param key: process name, key for activity in process or key for activity in biosphere :type key: str or tuple :param limit: :type limit: float :param KeyType: ``"Process"``, ``"WasteToProcess"``, ``"Emission"`` :type KeyType: str :param ConstType: ``"<="`` , ``">="`` :type ConstType: str """ if ConstType not in ["<=", ">="]: raise ValueError(" Constraint Type is not defined correct ") if KeyType == "Process": if ConstType == "<=": f = lambda x: limit - self.get_mass_flow_from_supply_array(key, KeyType, x) else: f = lambda x: self.get_mass_flow_from_supply_array(key, KeyType, x) - limit return f elif KeyType == "WasteToProcess": if ConstType == "<=": f = lambda x: limit - self.get_mass_flow_from_supply_array(key, KeyType, x) else: f = lambda x: self.get_mass_flow_from_supply_array(key, KeyType, x) - limit return f elif KeyType == "Emission": if ConstType == "<=": f = lambda x: limit - self.get_emission_amount(key, x) else: f = lambda x: self.get_emission_amount(key, x) - limit return f elif KeyType == "Impact": if ConstType == "<=": f = lambda x: limit - self.get_impact_amount(key, x) else: f = lambda x: self.get_impact_amount(key, x) - limit return f return None
[docs] def _create_collection_constraints(self, cons): const_dict = {} if self.n_scheme_vars: for k in self.scheme_vars_dict: process = self.scheme_vars_dict[k][0] if process not in const_dict: const_dict[process] = [] const_dict[process].append(k) print("\n\n collection constraints dict: \n", const_dict, "\n\n") for k in const_dict: self._col_const_helper(const_dict, k, cons)
[docs] def _col_const_helper(self, const_dict, k, cons): def helper_sum(x, index): return sum([x[i] for i in index]) fix = 0 for i in self.config.index: if self.config[k + " mode"][i] == "Fix": fix += self.config[k][i] cons.append( { "type": "eq", "fun": (lambda x: helper_sum(x, const_dict[k]) + fix - 1), "Name": "{} main const".format(k), } )
[docs] def _create_constraints(self): cons = list() group = dict() # Index for the parameters self.Param_index = 0 # Number of parameters in each group (from one source to different destinations) for key in self.project.parameters.param_uncertainty_dict.keys(): group[key] = len(self.project.parameters.param_uncertainty_dict[key]) # Equal constraint (sum of the parameters in each group should be one) for vals in group.values(): cons.append({"type": "eq", "fun": self._create_equality(N_param_Ingroup=vals)}) if self.collection and self.n_scheme_vars: self._create_collection_constraints(cons) if self.constraints: for key in self.constraints.keys(): cons.append( { "type": "ineq", "fun": self._create_inequality( key, self.constraints[key]["limit"], self.constraints[key]["KeyType"], self.constraints[key]["ConstType"], ), } ) return cons
[docs] @staticmethod def multi_start_optimization( optObject, constraints=None, collection=False, n_iter=30, nproc=None, timeout=None, initialize_guess="random", ): """ Call the ``scipy.optimize.minimize()`` to minimize the LCA score. Notes ----- - ``constraints`` is python dictionary. - Constraint type can be ``'<='`` or ``'>='``. - Three kind of constraints are defined as below: * **Process:** Constraint on the total mass to the process. The ``'KeyType'`` should be ``'Process'`` (e.g., The capacity of the WTE). Example: >>> constraints = {} >>> # Use name the the process as key in dict >>> constraints['WTE'] = {'limit':100, 'KeyType':'Process','ConstType':"<="} * **WasteToProcess:** Constraint on the total mass of waste fraction to the process. The ``'KeyType'`` should be ``'WasteToProcess'`` (e.g., Ban food waste from landfill). Example: >>> constraints = {} >>> # Use database key as key in dict >>> constraints[('LF','Food_Waste_Vegetable')] = {'limit':0, 'KeyType':'WasteToProcess','ConstType':"<="} * **Emission:** Constraint on the emissions. The ``'KeyType'`` should be ``'Emission'`` (e.g., CO2 emissions Cap). Example: >>> constraints = {} >>> # Use database key as key in dict >>> constraints[('biosphere3', 'eba59fd6-f37e-41dc-9ca3-c7ea22d602c7')] = {'limit':100,'KeyType':'Emission','ConstType':"<="} """ optObject.constraints = constraints optObject.collection = collection optObject.magnitude = len(str(int(abs(optObject.score)))) global_min = 1e100 if optObject.collection: n_dec_vars = len(optObject.project.parameters_list) + optObject.n_scheme_vars else: n_dec_vars = len(optObject.project.parameters_list) bnds = tuple([(0, 1) for _ in range(n_dec_vars)]) args = [] if initialize_guess == "LHS": all_x0 = pyDOE.lhs(n_dec_vars, samples=n_iter) elif initialize_guess == "random": all_x0 = np.random.rand(n_iter, n_dec_vars) elif initialize_guess == "binary": all_x0 = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(n_iter, n_dec_vars)) else: raise ValueError( f"The {initialize_guess} method for generating the initial guess is not correct!" ) for j in range(n_iter): args.append((optObject, bnds, all_x0[j], j)) if not nproc: nproc = cpu_count() all_results = [] with Pool(processes=nproc, maxtasksperchild=1) as pool: for arg in args: abortable_func = partial( Optimization.abortable_worker, Optimization.worker, timeout=timeout ) all_results.append(pool.apply_async(abortable_func, args=arg)) results = [res.get() for res in all_results] optObject.all_results = results optObject.res_global = False for i, res in enumerate(optObject.all_results): if res: if res.success: if < global_min: optObject.res_global = res global_min = print( """\n Iteration: {} Status: {}, Message: {} Objective function: {} Global min: {} \n """.format( i, res.success, res.message, * 10**optObject.magnitude, global_min * 10**optObject.magnitude, ) ) else: print( """\n Iteration: {} Status: {}, Message: {} Objective function: {} Global min: {} \n """.format( i, False, "Aborting due to timeout!", "NAN", global_min * 10**optObject.magnitude, ) ) if not optObject.res_global: optObject.success = False print("None of the iterations were successful!") return None if optObject.res_global.success: optObject.oldx = [0 for i in range(n_dec_vars)] optObject.success = True optObject.optimized_x = list() optObject.res_global.x = optObject.res_global.x.round(decimals=4) optObject._objective_function(optObject.res_global.x) for i in range(len(optObject.project.parameters_list)): optObject.optimized_x.append( { "name": optObject.project.parameters_list[i]["name"], "amount": optObject.res_global.x[i], } ) if optObject.collection: for k, v in optObject.scheme_vars_dict.items(): optObject.optimized_x.append({"name": v, "amount": optObject.res_global.x[k]}) return optObject.res_global else: optObject.success = False print(optObject.res_global.message) return optObject.res_global
[docs] @staticmethod def abortable_worker(func, *args, **kwargs): iteration = args[3] timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", None) p = ThreadPool(1) res = p.apply_async(func, args) try: return res.get(timeout) # Wait timeout seconds for func to complete. except mp.TimeoutError: print("(Iteration:{}, PID:{}): Aborting due to timeout!".format(iteration, os.getpid())) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def worker(optObject, bnds, x0, iteration): start = time() projects.set_current(optObject.project.project_name, writable=False) print("Iteration: {} PID: {}\n".format(iteration, os.getpid())) optObject.oldx = [0 for i in range(len(x0))] optObject.cons = optObject._create_constraints() res = minimize( optObject._objective_function, x0, method="SLSQP", bounds=bnds, constraints=optObject.cons, ) time_ = round(time() - start) print( "Iteration: {} PID: {} time:{} sec, Success:{} \n".format( iteration, os.getpid(), time_, res.success ) ) res["time"] = time_ res["PID"] = os.getpid() return res
[docs] def set_optimized_parameters_to_project(self): assert hasattr(self, "project"), "Must run optimize_parameters first" assert self.success, "Optimization has to be successful first" self.project.update_parameters(self.optimized_x)
[docs] def plot_sankey(self, optimized_flow=True, show=True, fileName=None, params=None): """ Plots a sankey diagram for the waste mass flows. Calls the ``plotly.graph_objs.Sankey`` to plot sankey. Calculates the mass flows by calling ``self.get_mass_flow_from_supply_array()``. :param optimized_flow: If ``True``, it plots the sankey based on the optimized waste fractions. If ``False``, it plots the sankey based on the current waste fractions by calling ``self.project.parameters_list``. :type optimized_flow: bool :param show: If ``True``, it will show the figure :type show: bool """ if optimized_flow: params = [i["amount"] for i in self.optimized_x] else: params = params or [i["amount"] for i in self.project.parameters_list] self.oldx = [0 for i in range(len(params))] self.magnitude = len(str(int(abs(self.score)))) self.N_param = len(self.project.parameters_list) self.col_model = [] product = [] index = 0 for _, i in self.project.parameters.param_uncertainty_dict.items(): for j in i: product.append((j[3], params[index])) index += 1 for _, i in self.project.parameters.static_param_dict.items(): for j in i: product.append((j[3], 1)) label = self.project.parameters.nodes source = [] target = [] value = [] label_link = [] color = [] # Color & shape for plotting the SWM Network # edge_color = { "RWC": (160, 82, 45), # sienna #A0522D "SSR": (0, 0, 255), # blue #0000FF "DSR": (0, 0, 205), # medium blue #0000CD "MSR": (65, 105, 225), # royal blue #4169E1 "LV": (0, 255, 0), # lime #00FF00 "SSYW": (0, 100, 0), # dark green #006400 "SSO": (0, 255, 127), # spring green #00FF7F "SSO_HC": (128, 128, 0), # olive #808000 "SSO_AnF": (127, 255, 0), # chartreuse #7FFF00 "ORG": (46, 139, 87), # sea green #2E8B57 "DryRes": (222, 184, 135), # burly wood #DEB887 "REC": (0, 191, 255), # deep sky blue #00BFFF "WetRes": (210, 105, 30), # chocolate #D2691E "MRDO": (205, 133, 63), # peru #CD853F "SSYWDO": (107, 142, 35), # olive drab #6B8E23 "MSRDO": (106, 90, 205), # slate blue #6A5ACD "Bottom_Ash": (128, 128, 128), # Gray #808080 "Fly_Ash": (0, 0, 0), # black #000000 "Unreacted_Ash": (128, 128, 128), # Gray #808080 "Separated_Organics": (50, 205, 50), # lime green #32CD32 "Separated_Recyclables": (0, 128, 128), # teal #008080 "Other_Residual": (139, 69, 19), # saddle brown #8B4513 "RDF": (255, 0, 0), } # Red #FF0000 for i in self.project.CommonData.Reprocessing_Index: edge_color[i] = (0, 0, 139) # dark blue #00008B for x in product: key, frac = x source.append(label.index(key[0])) target.append(label.index(key[1])) label_link.append(key[2]) # color.append('rgba({},{},{}, 0.8)'.format(*np.random.randint(256, size=3))) color.append("rgba({}, {}, {}, 0.8)".format(*edge_color[key[2]])) mass = 0.0 for m in self.project.CommonData.Index + ["RDF"]: mass += self.get_mass_flow_from_supply_array( (key[0] + "_product", m + "_" + key[2]), "WasteToProcess", params ) mass += self.get_mass_flow_from_supply_array( (key[0] + "_product", key[2]), "WasteToProcess", params ) value.append(np.round(mass * frac, 3)) print( """ # Sankey Mass flows label = {} source = {} target = {} label_link = {} value = {}""".format( label, source, target, label_link, value ) ) node = dict( pad=20, thickness=20, line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), label=label, color="rgba({}, {}, {}, 0.8)".format(*(176, 196, 222)), ) # light steel blue #B0C4DE link = dict(source=source, target=target, value=value, label=label_link, color=color) # The other good option for the value format is ".3f". Yes score = self._objective_function(params) * 10**self.magnitude if score >= 1000 or score <= -1000: score = "{:,.0f}".format(score) elif -0.1 <= score <= 0.1: score = "{:,.4f}".format(score) elif score - 1 <= score <= 1: score = "{:,.3f}".format(score) else: score = "{:,.2f}".format(score) layout = go.Layout( title_text="LCIA: " + str(self.method[0]) + f"= {score}", font_size=16, hoverlabel=dict(font_size=14), ) data = go.Sankey(valueformat=".3s", valuesuffix="Mg", node=node, link=link) fig = go.Figure(data=[data], layout=layout) plot(fig, filename=fileName if fileName else "plot.html", auto_open=show) # Store data for ploting the sankey store_data = {} store_data["title_text"] = "Impact " + str(self.method[0]) + f": {score}" store_data["font_size"] = 16 store_data["hoverlabel"] = dict(font_size=14) store_data["valueformat"] = ".3s" store_data["valuesuffix"] = "Mg" store_data["node"] = node store_data["link"] = link filename = fileName.split(".")[0] + ".JSON" if fileName else "Sankey_Data.JSON" with open(filename, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: json.dump(store_data, outfile, indent=4)