Source code for swolfpy.ProcessDB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from brightway2 import Database

[docs] class ProcessDB: def __init__(self, process_name, waste_treatment, CommonData, process_types, Distance=None): self.Report = {} self.P_Name = process_name self.P_Pr_Name = self.P_Name + "_product" self.Distance = Distance self.CommonData = CommonData self._process_types = process_types self.waste_treatment = waste_treatment # Databases self.database_biosphere = Database("biosphere3") self.database_Product = Database(self.P_Pr_Name) self.database_Waste_technosphere = Database("Technosphere")
[docs] def check_nan(self, x): # replace zeros when there is no data ("nan") if str(x) == "nan": return 0 return x
[docs] @staticmethod def init_DB(DB_name, waste_flows): db_data = {} for x in waste_flows: # add activity to database db_data[(DB_name, x)] = { "name": DB_name + "_" + x, "reference product": DB_name + "_" + x, "unit": "Mg/year", "exchanges": [], } print( """ #### ++++++ Initializing the {} """.format( DB_name ) ) db = Database(DB_name) db.write(db_data)
[docs] def Write_DB(self, waste_flows, parameters, Process_Type): """ .. _Write_DB: """ create_static_parameters = True self.db_data = {} self.db_Pr_data = {} self.parameters = [] # List of dictionaries ({'name':Formula ,'amount':0}) self.list_of_params = [] # List of parameters name self.list_of_static_params = [] self.act_in_group = set() self.params_dict = ( dict() ) # Dictionary that has set() include the key (input,act) for all the exchanges with parameters. self.uncertain_parameters = parameters for x in waste_flows: # x is waste fraction # add activity to database self.db_data[(self.P_Name, x)] = { "name": self.P_Name + "_" + x, "reference product": self.P_Name + "_" + x, "unit": "Mg/year", "exchanges": [], } if Process_Type == "Collection": self.db_data[(self.P_Name, x)]["unit"] = "{} Mg/year".format( np.round(sum(self.Report["Waste"][x].values()), decimals=2) ) # Reference flow ex = Input=(self.P_Name, x), Type="production", Unit=self.db_data[(self.P_Name, x)]["unit"], Amount=1, ) self.db_data[(self.P_Name, x)]["exchanges"].append(ex) if Process_Type == "Transfer_Station": xx = ProcessDB._helper_wasteflow_name(x) else: xx = x for key in self.Report["Waste"][x]: ex = (self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key), "technosphere", "Mg/year", self.Report["Waste"][x][key], ) self.db_data[(self.P_Name, x)]["exchanges"].append(ex) # add activity to Waste_database self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)] = { "name": self.P_Pr_Name + "_" + xx + "_" + key, "reference product": self.P_Pr_Name + "_" + xx + "_" + key, "unit": "Mg/year", "exchanges": [], } # Reference flow ex = Input=(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key), Type="production", Unit=self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)]["unit"], Amount=1, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)]["exchanges"].append(ex) self.act_in_group.add((self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)) # Streams that are not the same with their source. if key in ["Bottom_Ash", "Fly_Ash", "RDF"] + self.CommonData.Reprocessing_Index: # finding the destination for p in self.waste_treatment[key]: # adding exchange to waste processing if len(self.waste_treatment[key]) > 1 or not create_static_parameters: Formula = "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p else: Formula = None if ( "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p not in self.list_of_static_params ): self.list_of_static_params.append( "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p ) self.uncertain_parameters.add_parameter( key, self.P_Name, p, 1, dynamic_param=False ) ex = (p, key), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 0 if Formula else 1, Formula=Formula, Act=(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key), product=key, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)]["exchanges"].append(ex) # adding exchange for transportation between the process models ex_trnp = (self.P_Pr_Name, self.P_Name + "_" + "to" + "_" + p), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 0 if Formula else 1, Formula=Formula, Act=(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key), product=key, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)]["exchanges"].append( ex_trnp ) # Streams that are same with the source. elif key in [ "Separated_Organics", "Other_Residual", "Separated_Recyclables", "Unreacted_Ash", ]: # finding the destination for p in self.waste_treatment[key]: # adding exchange to waste processing if len(self.waste_treatment[key]) > 1 or not create_static_parameters: Formula = "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p else: Formula = None if ( "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p not in self.list_of_static_params ): self.list_of_static_params.append( "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p ) self.uncertain_parameters.add_parameter( key, self.P_Name, p, 1, dynamic_param=False ) # adding exchange to waste processing ex = (p, xx), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 0 if Formula else 1, Formula=Formula, Act=(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key), product=key, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)]["exchanges"].append(ex) # adding exchange for transportation between the process models ex_trnp = (self.P_Pr_Name, self.P_Name + "_" + "to" + "_" + p), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 0 if Formula else 1, Formula=Formula, Act=(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key), product=key, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)]["exchanges"].append( ex_trnp ) ### Collection streams. # Transportation between the collection and treatment processes are calculate inside collection model. elif key in self.CommonData.Collection_Index: # finding the destination for p in self.waste_treatment[key]: # adding exchange to waste processing if len(self.waste_treatment[key]) > 1 or not create_static_parameters: Formula = "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p else: Formula = None if ( "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p not in self.list_of_static_params ): self.list_of_static_params.append( "frac_of_" + key + "_from_" + self.P_Name + "_to_" + p ) self.uncertain_parameters.add_parameter( key, self.P_Name, p, 1, dynamic_param=False ) if self._process_types[p] == "Transfer_Station": ex = Input=(p, key + "_" + x), Type="technosphere", Unit="Mg/year", Amount=0 if Formula else 1, Formula=Formula, Act=(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key), product=key, ) else: ex = Input=(p, x), Type="technosphere", Unit="Mg/year", Amount=0 if Formula else 1, Formula=Formula, Act=(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key), product=key, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)]["exchanges"].append(ex) # adding exchange for transportation between the collection sector and treatment process if p in self.Report["LCI"][key].keys(): ex_trnp = (self.P_Pr_Name, key + "_" + "to" + "_" + p), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 0 if Formula else 1, Formula=Formula, Act=(self.P_Pr_Name, x + "_" + key), product=key, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, xx + "_" + key)]["exchanges"].append( ex_trnp ) else: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent treatment processes in model and collection" ) else: raise Exception( f"Unknown waste product! {key} is not defined in PrcessDB class" ) ### Adding the technosphere exchanges to activities for key in self.Report["Technosphere"][x]: ex = key, "technosphere", "Mg/year", self.Report["Technosphere"][x][key] ) self.db_data[(self.P_Name, x)]["exchanges"].append(ex) ### Adding the biosphere exchanges for key in self.Report["Biosphere"][x]: ex =, "biosphere", "kg", self.Report["Biosphere"][x][key]) self.db_data[(self.P_Name, x)]["exchanges"].append(ex) if Process_Type == "Collection": ### Adding activity for transport between the collection and treatment processes self._add_transport_from_collection() else: ### Adding activity for transport between the treatment processes self._add_transport_between_processes() ### writing the databases self._write_DB_from_dict() return (self.parameters, self.act_in_group)
[docs] def _add_transport_from_collection(self): """ Adding activity for transport between the collection and treatment processes. """ for y in self.Report["LCI"].keys(): for m in self.Report["LCI"][y].keys(): self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m)] = { "name": "LCI" + "_" + y + "_to" + "_" + m, "reference product": "LCI" + "_" + y + "_to" + "_" + m, "unit": "Mg/year", "exchanges": [], } # Reference flow ex = Input=(self.P_Pr_Name, y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m), Type="production", Unit=self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m)]["unit"], Amount=1, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m)]["exchanges"].append(ex) ### Adding exchage to transport activity between the collection and treatment processes for n in self.Report["LCI"][y][m].keys(): ex = n, "technosphere" if "biosphere3" not in n else "biosphere", "_", self.Report["LCI"][y][m][n], ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, y + "_" + "to" + "_" + m)]["exchanges"].append( ex )
[docs] def _add_transport_between_processes(self): """ Adding activity for transport between the treatment processes. """ # check whether transportation is needed or not (if no waste is produced, then no transportation is needed) if len(self.db_Pr_data) > 0: for p, q in self.Distance.Distance.keys(): if p == self.P_Name and p != q: self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, p + "_" + "to" + "_" + q)] = { "name": "LCI" + "_" + p + "_" + "to" + "_" + q, "reference product": "LCI" + "_" + p + "_" + "to" + "_" + q, "unit": "Mg/year", "exchanges": [], } # Reference flow ex = Input=(self.P_Pr_Name, p + "_" + "to" + "_" + q), Type="production", Unit=self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, p + "_" + "to" + "_" + q)]["unit"], Amount=1, ) self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, p + "_" + "to" + "_" + q)]["exchanges"].append( ex ) ### Adding exchage to transport activity between the treatment processes for mode in self.Distance.Distance[(p, q)].keys(): if mode == "Heavy Duty Truck": ex = ( "Technosphere", "Internal_Process_Transportation_Heavy_Duty_Diesel_Truck", ), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 1000 * self.Distance.Distance[(p, q)][mode], Formula=None, Act=None, product=None, ) # unit conversion Mg to kg elif mode == "Medium Duty Truck": ex = ( "Technosphere", "Internal_Process_Transportation_Medium_Duty_Diesel_Truck", ), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 1000 * self.Distance.Distance[(p, q)][mode], Formula=None, Act=None, product=None, ) # unit conversion Mg to kg elif mode == "Rail": ex = ("Technosphere", "Internal_Process_Transportation_Rail"), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 1000 * self.Distance.Distance[(p, q)][mode], Formula=None, Act=None, product=None, ) # unit conversion Mg to kg elif mode == "Barge": ex = ("Technosphere", "Internal_Process_Transportation_Barge"), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 1000 * self.Distance.Distance[(p, q)][mode], Formula=None, Act=None, product=None, ) # unit conversion Mg to kg elif mode == "Cargo Ship": ex = ("Technosphere", "Internal_Process_Transportation_Cargo_Ship"), "technosphere", "Mg/year", 1000 * self.Distance.Distance[(p, q)][mode], Formula=None, Act=None, product=None, ) # unit conversion Mg to kg else: raise ValueError(f"Transport mode {mode} is incorrect!") self.db_Pr_data[(self.P_Pr_Name, p + "_" + "to" + "_" + q)][ "exchanges" ].append(ex)
[docs] def _write_DB_from_dict(self): if len(self.db_Pr_data) > 0: print( """ #### ++++++ Writing the {} """.format( self.P_Pr_Name ) ) self.database_Product.write(self.db_Pr_data) print( """ #### ++++++ Writing the {} """.format( self.P_Name ) ) db = Database(self.P_Name) db.write(self.db_data) self.uncertain_parameters.params_dict.update(self.params_dict)
[docs] def exchange(self, Input, Type, Unit, Amount, Formula=None, Act=None, product=None): """ Return exchange in a dictionary format. """ exchange = {} exchange["amount"] = Amount exchange["input"] = Input exchange["type"] = Type exchange["unit"] = Unit if Formula: exchange["formula"] = Formula if Act is None or product is None: raise TypeError( "swolfpy error: Act and product are not defined for formula(parameter): {}".format( Formula ) ) if Formula not in self.list_of_params: self.parameters.append({"name": Formula, "amount": 0}) self.list_of_params.append(Formula) self.params_dict[Formula] = set() self.params_dict[Formula].add((Input, Act)) self.uncertain_parameters.add_parameter(product, self.P_Name, Input[0], 0) else: self.params_dict[Formula].add((Input, Act)) return exchange
[docs] @staticmethod def _helper_wasteflow_name(name: str) -> str: """ Removes the collection index and returns the waste fraction index. """ if name[0:6] in ["DryRes", "WetRes"]: return name[7:] elif name[0:4] in ["SSYW"]: return name[5:] elif name[0:3] in ["ORG", "REC", "SSO", "SSR", "RWC"]: return name[4:] else: return None