Source code for swolfpy.Technosphere

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import warnings

import bw2io
import pandas as pd
from brightway2 import Database, bw2setup, databases, projects
from swolfpy_inputdata import Technosphere_Input

from .Required_keys import biosphere_keys
from .swolfpy_method import import_methods

[docs] class Technosphere: """ :param project_name: Name for the project :type project_name: str :param LCI_path: Path to the technosphere LIC csv file :type LCI_path: str :param LCI_Reference_path: Path to the csv file for the technosphere references :type LCI_Reference_path: str :param Ecospold2_Path: Path to the user defined technosphere LCI with ecospold2 format. :type Ecospold2_Path: str """ def __init__(self, project_name, LCI_path=None, LCI_Reference_path=None, Ecospold2_Path=None): self.project_name = project_name self.technosphere_db_name = "Technosphere" self.user_tech_name = "User_Technosphere" self.InputData = Technosphere_Input(LCI_path, LCI_Reference_path, Ecospold2_Path) self.LCI_swolfpy_data = self.InputData.LCI_swolfpy_data self.LCI_reference = self.InputData.LCI_reference self.Ecospold2_Path = self.InputData.Ecospold2_Path
[docs] def Create_Technosphere(self): """ .. _Create_Technosphere: Initialize a `project` in Brightway2 by calling the ``bw2setup()`` function which creates the `biosphere3` database and imports the impact assessment methods. \n It also adds 7 new biosphere flows for cost calculations swolfpy. \n New impact methods are imported by calling the ``import_methods()`` from swolfpy_method_ module. \n Note: If the `project` already exists, it will delete all the databases except 'biosphere3'. `Technosphere` database is written from the `SWOLF_AccountMode_LCI DATA.csv` in the `Data` folder unless user select new file with it's `path`. """ projects.set_current(self.project_name) bw2setup() db = Database("biosphere3") if len("capital cost")) == 0: db.new_activity( code="Capital_Cost", name="Capital Cost", unit="USD", categories=("economic",), type="economic", location="US", ).save() db.new_activity( code="Operational_Cost", name="Operational Cost", unit="USD", categories=("economic",), type="economic", location="US", ).save() db.new_activity( code="Utility_Cost", name="Utility Cost", unit="USD", categories=("economic",), type="economic", location="US", ).save() db.new_activity( code="Fuel_Cost", name="Fuel Cost", unit="USD", categories=("economic",), type="economic", location="US", ).save() db.new_activity( code="Electricity_Cost", name="Electricity Cost", unit="USD", categories=("economic",), type="economic", location="US", ).save() db.new_activity( code="Transportation_Cost", name="Transportation Cost", unit="USD", categories=("economic",), type="economic", location="US", ).save() db.new_activity( code="Material_Cost", name="Material Cost", unit="USD", categories=("economic",), type="economic", location="US", ).save() # adding swolf methods import_methods() # Deleting the old (expired) databases (if exist) xx = list(databases) for x in xx: if x not in ["biosphere3"]: del databases[x] if self.LCI_reference["Reference_activity_id"].count() > 0: self._Write_user_technosphere() db = Database(self.user_tech_name) self.user_tech_keys = {} for x in db: self.user_tech_keys[x.as_dict()["activity"]] = x.key self._write_technosphere()
[docs] def _Write_user_technosphere(self): """ Creates the user technosphere database from Ecospold2 files. \n Interface with Brightway2: Calls the ``bw2io.importers.SingleOutputEcospold2Importer`` function. """ self.user_tech = bw2io.importers.SingleOutputEcospold2Importer( dirpath=self.Ecospold2_Path, db_name=self.user_tech_name ) self.user_tech.apply_strategies() stats = self.user_tech.statistics() if stats[2] > 0: warnings.warn( "There is {} unlink flows in the user defined technosphere (ecospold files). Make sure you are using the LCI ecospold".format( stats[2] ) ) print("\nUnique unlinked exchanges:\n") for x in self.user_tech.unlinked: print(x["type"], x["name"], x["amount"]) print("\nAdd unlinked flows to biosphere database:\n") self.user_tech.add_unlinked_flows_to_biosphere_database() print( """ #### ++++++ Writing the {} """.format( self.user_tech_name ) ) self.user_tech.write_database()
[docs] def _write_technosphere(self): """ Creates the swolfpy technosphere database. """ self.technosphere_data = {} # activities names = list(self.LCI_swolfpy_data.columns)[3:] for x in names: # add activity to database self.technosphere_data[(self.technosphere_db_name, x)] = { "name": x, "reference product": x, "unit": "NA" if pd.isnull(self.LCI_swolfpy_data[x][0]) else self.LCI_swolfpy_data[x][0], "exchanges": [], } # Reference flow ex = {} ex["amount"] = 1 ex["input"] = (self.technosphere_db_name, x) ex["type"] = "production" ex["unit"] = self.technosphere_data[(self.technosphere_db_name, x)]["unit"] self.technosphere_data[(self.technosphere_db_name, x)]["exchanges"].append(ex) if pd.isnull(self.LCI_reference["Reference_activity_id"][x]): i = 0 for val in self.LCI_swolfpy_data[x][2:]: if float(self._check_nan(val)) != 0: ex = {} # add exchange to activities ex["amount"] = float(self._check_nan(val)) ex["input"] = biosphere_keys[i][0] ex["type"] = "biosphere" ex["unit"] = "kg" self.technosphere_data[(self.technosphere_db_name, x)]["exchanges"].append( ex ) i += 1 else: ex = {} # add exchange to activities ex["amount"] = 1 ex["input"] = self.user_tech_keys[self.LCI_reference["Reference_activity_id"][x]] ex["type"] = "technosphere" ex["unit"] = self.LCI_reference["Unit"][x] self.technosphere_data[(self.technosphere_db_name, x)]["exchanges"].append(ex) if not pd.isnull(self.LCI_reference["Cost_key"][x]): # adding the cost to technosphere ex = {} # add exchange to activities ex["amount"] = self._check_nan(self.LCI_reference["Cost"][x]) ex["input"] = ("biosphere3", self.LCI_reference["Cost_key"][x]) ex["type"] = "biosphere" ex["unit"] = self.LCI_reference["Cost_Unit"][x] self.technosphere_data[(self.technosphere_db_name, x)]["exchanges"].append(ex) print( """ #### ++++++ Writing the {} """.format( self.technosphere_db_name ) ) self.technosphere_db = Database(self.technosphere_db_name) self.technosphere_db.write(self.technosphere_data)
# replace zeros when there is no data ("nan")
[docs] def _check_nan(self, x): """ Check the `x` and return 0 if `x` is `nan`. """ if str(x) == "nan": return 0 return x