Source code for swolfpy_inputdata.InputData

import ast

import pandas as pd

from .MC import MC

[docs] class InputData(MC): """ ``InputData`` class reads the input data from the csv file and load them as class attributes. This class is inherited from the ``MC`` class. Main functionalities include: loading data, updating data and generating random number for data based on the defined probability distributions. :param input_data_path: absolute path to the input data file :type input_data_path: str :param eval_parameter: If the parameters are tuple instead of str, it will evaluate their real value. :type eval_parameter: bool, optional """ def __init__(self, input_data_path, process_name, eval_parameter=False): """ Initialize ``InputData`` class. """ self.input_data_path = input_data_path self.process_name = process_name self.Data = pd.read_csv( self.input_data_path, dtype={ "amount": float, "uncertainty_type": float, "loc": float, "scale": float, "shape": float, "minimum": float, "maximum": float, }, ) if eval_parameter: self.Data["Parameter Name"] = self.Data["Parameter Name"].apply(ast.literal_eval) # Setting uncertainty type to 0 : Undefined ; when it is not defined self.Data["uncertainty_type"].fillna(0, inplace=True) # self.Data=self.Data.where((pd.notnull(self.Data)), None) self.Input_dict = {} self.keys = self.Data.columns[3:] for i in range(len(self.Data)): if self.Data.Category[i] not in self.Input_dict.keys(): exec("self.%s = {}" % self.Data.Dictonary_Name[i]) exec( "self.Input_dict[self.Data.Category[i]] = self.%s" % self.Data.Dictonary_Name[i] ) exec( "self.%s[self.Data['Parameter Name'][i]] = dict(zip(self.keys,self.Data.loc[i,'Parameter Description':]))" % self.Data.Dictonary_Name[i] ) else: exec( "self.%s[self.Data['Parameter Name'][i]] = dict(zip(self.keys,self.Data.loc[i,'Parameter Description':]))" % self.Data.Dictonary_Name[i] ) ### Add process data
[docs] def add_process_data(self, process_data_path, index): self.process_data = ( pd.read_csv(process_data_path, index_col=0, header=0, skiprows=[1, 2, 3]) .loc[index] .astype(float) ) self.process_data.fillna(0, inplace=True) self.process_data_info = pd.read_csv(process_data_path, index_col=0, header=0, nrows=3)
### Update_Input
[docs] def Update_input(self, NewData): """ Get a new DataFrame and update the ``data`` in ``InputData`` class. :param NewData: :type NewData: 'pandas.DataFrame' """ for i in NewData.index: exec( "self.%s[NewData['Parameter Name'][i]] = dict(zip(self.keys,NewData.loc[i,'Parameter Description':]))" % NewData.Dictonary_Name[i] ) self.Data.loc[i] = NewData.loc[i]
### Monte_carlo
[docs] def setup_MC(self, seed=None): """ Initialize the parent class (``MC``) and create ``MCRandomNumberGenerator`` based on the data for uncertainty distributions via calling ``MC.setupMC()`` method. :param seed: seed for random number generation :type seed: int, optional .. seealso:: Class_MC_ """ super().__init__(self.Input_dict, self.process_name) super().setup_MC(seed)
### Reset static Values
[docs] def reset_static_vals(self): for i in self.Data.index: exec( "self.%s[self.Data['Parameter Name'][i]]['amount'] = self.Data.loc[i,'amount']" % self.Data.Dictonary_Name[i] )